PrioTech LLC represents foreigner companies in UAE and provides for foreign companies, which aim to establish in UAE or which are currently working in UAE, a full business enterprise support.

Some Companies may opt to have a legal representative company in UAE.
A representative office is not allowed to have any sales activities or permanent facility in UAE. Nevertheless, a foreign company might need a representative office in UAE  for activities such as offering information to its headquarters in the home country, market research, basic research or buying and managing assets for the headquarters. For a company which intends to conduct marketing research for now to observe the UAE market but start sales activities in UAE in the future, an option is that the company opens a representative office initially and registers later an office as its UAE branch or UAE corporation upon commencement of sales activities.

This solution provides several advantages such as:

  • No official registration for the office is required by the corporate law
  • Payment of corporate tax is not required because a representative office is not intended for sales activities and consequently any related report for tax purposes is not necessary.
  • Hiring local UAE employee is not required.

The disadvantages of a representative office are follows:

  • Sales activities are not allowed in UAE
  • To have a permanent facility is not allowed in UAE.

Administrative support
Some companies are starting, or intend to start, businesses activities in UAE, but don’t know how to proceed, or don’t have the necessary administrative support.
PrioTech LLC can help such company in providing them various materials or services such as communication systems, or human resources. This solution is suitable for any company which wants a quick start of the activity in UAE without losing time with the administrative part due to lacking experience of the UAE market and procedures.

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